Residential Real Estate Matters We Handle.

Buying a home can be stressful enough without the additional headache of trying to work around your attorney’s schedule. That’s why we work around yours. From title searches to closings, we make ourselves available when you need us. And to ensure that everything goes smoothly, we communicate with our clients clearly and often to keep them informed.

Residential Real Estate Services:  

  • Negotiating terms of the real estate purchases and sales agreements 

  • Drafting residential property contracts 

  • Reviewing contracts to ensure clients’ interests are protected

  • Explaining material contract terms to ensure clients fully understand 

  • Discussing types of ownership and title to the property 

  • Reviewing and analyzing the status of title to the property

  • Resolving title issues 

  • Reviewing Surveys and resolving issues 

  • Preparing and/or reviewing closing documents 

  • Reviewing loan documents and mortgage agreements